Sir Robert McAlpine partners with Datatag ID to address tool theft

Datatag ID

SIR Robert McAlpine has teamed up with forensic marking specialist Datatag ID to enhance security and combat tool theft by hosting an event designed for contractors.

The on-site event saw contractors introduced to Datatag’s technology, which combines invisible markers, microdots, and tamper-evident warning labels to mark tools. Once applied, these markers are said to be ‘virtually impossible’ to remove, offering a valuable resource for identifying stolen property. The unique identifier is registered in Datatag’s database, which can be accessed by law enforcement officials.

The event was an opportunity for contractors to get their tools marked and also learn about tool security and theft prevention. Representatives from Datatag demonstrated how the technology works, explaining its benefits and effectiveness in deterring theft.

Dave Luscombe, special projects lead at Datatag said, “We’ve long known about the issue of tool theft and its recent rise has been well documented in the press and on social media. We were very happy to help McAlpine’s forward thinking efforts in tackling this and the constant stream of contractors coming through was encouraging, showing as it did a willingness to have tools marked and a belief in the deterrent that this sees.”