Logistics software brings sustainability and performance gains for Aggregate Industries

Podfather and Aggregate Industries

EDINBURGH-based tech company Podfather has revealed that Aggregate Industries has rolled out new logistics software to support sustainable working and improve operational performance.

The concrete products division makes hundreds of deliveries each day using the Podfather system to manage its outsourced delivery operation. Third party drivers access tickets, using the Podfather app, which guides them through their daily schedule. The app also allows for the capture of real-time, electronic proof of delivery evidence, including signatures and photos.

Since introducing Podfather, Aggregate Industries estimates its delivery operation is now 90% paper-free, while ontime performance rate has been boosted from 93.9% in 2023 to almost 97% in the year to date.

The Aggregate Industries concrete products division offers a range of manufactured products to merchant, construction, civil and domestic customers. With eleven production and stocking facilities, the firm delivers hundreds of loads per day of structural, block, concrete and landscaping products, using a network of haulage partners.

“Eradicating paper is an important part of our decarbonisation journey in support of our sustainable construction ambitions,” said Chris Lynch, head of digital at Aggregate Industries. “Podfather supports this with paperless ticketing and reporting.”

Using Podfather logistics software, which also includes fleet planning, route optimisation, vehicle safety and customer notification features, Aggregate Industries shares delivery tickets with more than 30 third party transport partners. Drivers access load, site and customer information using the Podfather app and back-office staff have visibility of schedules as they unfold.

“Podfather gives us complete visibility, in real-time, of our delivery operation,” added Russell Turner, national logistics manager at Aggregate Industries. “We know what’s been delivered, when and where it was delivered, and if there were any issues with the delivery. All of this information, including indisputable evidence, is available as it is captured for management and support staff. This informs our customer communications and allows us to resolve any potential issues at first point of contact. “