Hitachi hopes to help customers get connected

HITACHI Construction Machinery (Europe) has revealed its theme for bauma 2019 is ‘Connect with Hitachi’, highlighting how customers access a ‘world of connectivity’ when they purchase one of the manufacturer’s machines.

The firm said customers benefit from connective technologies incorporated in Hitachi equipment, as well as the connection to people within its dealer network through after-sales support.

On display in Munich is the EX1200-7 and EX2600-7 mining excavators. They have been joined by Hitachi’s first ICT hydraulic excavator in Europe, the ZX210X-6. Demonstrations of this and other models will take place six times a day during the event.

Another debut is the ZE85 zero-emission electric excavator. Produced by the European Application Centre (EAC) – a joint venture between Hitachi and KTEG – it is joined by a smaller model, the ZE19. Hitachi said these models have a long battery life due to ‘proven power management’, and are ‘exceptionally quiet and safe to operate’.

Hitachi will also present a selection of the latest Zaxis-6 mini and compact excavators and the updated ZW75-6 and ZW95-6 compact wheel loaders. A variety of medium and large wheel loaders, medium crawler excavators and wheeled excavators are also on display.

“Our team has worked hard to create an engaging and stimulating environment on our stand this year at bauma, so that we can really connect with visitors at the event,” said HCME President Makoto Yamazawa. “With such a wide variety of our construction equipment on display, we hope that there will be something of interest for everyone.”