THE growing role of electrification in the construction machinery sector was highlighted this week as A-Plant hosted its inaugural Battery Power Seminar.
The London event allowed employees and selected customers to explore the future of battery technology and featured presentations from experts as well as updates from manufacturers and suppliers including Wacker Neuson, JCB, Hilti and Makita.
Dave Harris, business development director at A-Plant said, “Innovation Week 2018 highlighted that battery technologies are fast replacing traditional diesel and petrol engines and becoming the new front line in the sustainable energy revolution. We are committed to making sustainable investment decisions and exploring all avenues to reduce our impact on both greenhouses gas emissions and air quality – and this needs to involve our valued customers and suppliers working together.
“A-Plant’s first Battery Power Seminar provided us with the opportunity to take an in-depth look at battery power and other alternative power sources. We believe that by having more information and understanding about what is available now and what other battery power related innovations may be coming over the next five years, we will be able to further build on our commitment to sustainability.”
James Lam, energy storage expert at DNV GL added, “The energy landscape is changing dramatically. DNV GL’s Energy Transition Outlook forecasts that electricity’s share of the total energy mix will more than double in the next 30 years, powered by renewable sources which will account for an estimated 80% of global electricity production in 2050. To cope with these variable renewables, it is clear that energy storage has a significant role to play across several industries.
“In the construction industry, the electrification of heavy vehicles is expected to reach 80% by 2050, bringing with it fundamental changes for the sector and highlighting the importance of battery technologies. We’re excited to work with A-Plant to drive the conversation forward and enable the transition to a low-carbon economy.”