GAP steps up mental health awareness

GLASGOW-headquartered GAP has announced the launch of a new Mental Health Awareness Initiative for its employees.

The move coincides with Mental Health Awareness Week, which runs from May 14-20, and will initially see senior managers attend mental health awareness sessions.

GAP highlighted figures which show 526,000 UK construction workers are reportedly suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety.

Catriona Dunning, head of HR at GAP explained, “It is our responsibility as an employer to support employees with health matters including mental health issues. Following discussions at board level it was agreed that as a business we should invest more time and money in mental health awareness and support mechanisms.

“Working in partnership with The Lighthouse Club, all members of GAP’s senior management team will be attending mental health awareness sessions and it is anticipated that this training will be rolled out to all managers. We have also signed up to the Construction Industry Helpline which offers a confidential 24/7 helpline for all our employees which they can access free of charge. Posters promoting this initiative have been distributed to all 140 group locations along with Helpline cards given to each of 1,700+ staff.”