Takeuchi hybrid machines let firms go green

TAKEUCHI has launched two new hybrid alternatives to diesel-only mini excavators.

The manufacturer’s most popular 1.6 tonne TB216 is now available as a hybrid along with the new TB210 micro excavator.

Both Hybrids have been equipped with an electric motor for use where diesel is too noisy or where diesel emissions are not allowed.

Takeuchi said the hybrids can be seen in construction work in sectors including the food industry, low and emission free zones, enclosed sites and in built-up environments close to schools and hospitals.

Both machines are said to offer “no reduction” in machine performance when using the electric motor. The high voltage connection point is at the back of the machine and, according to Takeuchi, “allows for a 100% emission-free use with full functionality and no decrease in operating performance”.

The original diesel engine remains intact so the hybrid models can still be used in a conventional way by switching to diesel when in travel mode.