BLACKWOOD Plant Hire has completed a new deal with Yarwoods for a number of top of the range products including Toku Breakers and a Kinshofer Selector Grab.
Owner Tom Blackwood bought his first Toku breakers from Yarwoods back in 2003 and these breakers are still running today. Indeed, the Blackwood breaker fleet is now 100% Toku.
Blackwood’s Paul McCormack said, “You can send a Toku breaker out to work in total confidence. At first glance the Toku breakers look much the same as other breakers – it’s when a few years down the line you check the costs and the age you realise how good they are.”
Yarwoods is building a loyal Toku customer base throughout the UK. Owner Peter Yarwood added, “Customers are becoming very impressed with the performance of the Toku brand and Yarwoods is committed to to this first class product and excellent back up service.
“We now have a number of Toku clients who realise the value of longevity and service.”
The D20HD Selector Grab is Blackwood’s first Kinshofer product. Yarwoods recently signed an exclusive dealership with Kinshofer to distribute the Kinshofer range in Scotland and North East of England down to the Midlands.
Peter Yarwood added, “Yarwoods only stock quality brand products. The Kinshofer range is high quality and we are delighted to have them on board with us.”