DEMAND for TT-UK’s Accredited Training & Assessment Facility has almost doubled in 12 months.
For more than the 30 years TT-UK has been in business providing trenchless technology products, they have always offered customers training on their range of goods.
Up until a few years ago, most of the training was done on-site at the customer’s HQ. Then TT-UK decided to invest in a more in-house approach with a custom built training and indoor all-weather facility at their Bedford premises.
Attendance numbers has seen an increase year on year going from over 880 candidates in both 2011 and 2012 to 1,543 to the end of 2013.
TT-UK offer EUSR-accredited courses on Grundomat, Grundoburst, Grundowinch and the TT-UK/RSP Suction Excavators, with TT-UK manufacturer’s accredited training available on all their other products.
These courses are available six days a week and can accommodate between six and eight candidates. All the courses cover the products in detail, as well as safety, maintenance, service and after care, while also providing the opportunity for candidates to operate the equipment on site in a working environment.

The training day normally consists of a presentation, followed by lunch. The practical on-site part of the training takes place in the afternoon. This is then followed by a test and examination on the course content.
TT-UK is very proud of the excellent pass rate of 98%. They put this success down to the fact that they have five expert trainers and a fully qualified assessor.
After passing the exam and achieving TT-UK’s exacting standards, upon completion of the course each candidate receives a certificate and EUS Registration card. In order to maintain compliance they are required to take a refresher course every three years.
Steve Robson, assessor for TT-UK said, “We keep the numbers on these courses to a maximum of six-eight, that way we can monitor the progress of the individual candidates throughout the day and if someone is struggling, we can spend more time explaining the products and their applications in more depth until each candidate fully understands.
“At the end of the training the client’s investment results in fully trained and competent operatives who are fully aware of the products they have covered.”